CSC healthcare’s First Connect is a rapid response service where we bridge the gap between the first aid and the patient. During any medical emergency, the most important time is the time taken between the accident/trauma to the First Aid. To not lose the most important life-saving hours, First Connect facilitates the first responders who can provide first aid to patients. It also connects the labs, ambulances & other healthcare service providers with the patient.


During medical emergencies, the non-availability of trained paramedics means families and individuals face significant losses. In most cases, the time to reach a doctor or hospital gets extended, making it difficult to provide the care that patients require. Even with immediate assistance, limited knowledge on the usage of first aid kits can be a major drawback, making right first care and connection significantly important as the loss of precious golden minutes and seconds can result in the loss of life or lives.


First Connect implies a trained paramedic at the doorstep to provide first aid for a medical emergency, accompanied by a complete first aid kit. First Connect also enables connection with doctors on call, ambulance services, diagnostic labs, and phlebotomists. First Connect also facilitates the master trainer to create awareness of medical emergencies, pandemics, and epidemics.


CSC Healthcare’s first connect services are designed to help any patient from rural or hard-to-reach regions. In the event of any medical emergency, when there are no trained paramedics available, the challenge is that, in the majority of cases, travel time to the hospital or doctor is prolonged and there is limited understanding of first aid supplies. With First Connect, CSC Healthcare plans to offer first aid for medical emergencies by a trained paramedic at the door, accompanied by a comprehensive first aid kit. We connect to ambulance services, diagnostic labs, phlebotomists, and doctors on call.