Blood banks are scarce in rural India and a significant disparity between urban and rural availability of blood banks. There is also a wastage of blood due to a lack of basic storage and transportation facilities. CSC Healthcare organizes mega awareness campaigns to create awareness in the rural population. To strengthen the blood collection and donations in rural India, CSC healthcare will incentivize the CSC VLE.


There aren't many blood banks in rural India. The number of blood banks that are available varies greatly between urban and rural populations. Wastage of collected blood as a result of inadequate storage, laboratories, transportation, etc. Population mapping is not available to help during the need for rare blood groups.


To raise awareness of the advantages of routine blood donation at the rural level, a massive campaign will be launched. We will routinely hold village-wide blood donation camps to strengthen the CSC Healthcare network. For the collection of blood and transportation of the blood to the labs, incentives will be given to CSC VLE. The establishment of district-level blood banks with cutting-edge filtration, separation, and storage facilities, as well as digital record creation and maintenance, will be started. supporting the eRaktkosh initiatives of the Ministry of Health.


CSC will create a mega network of phlebotomist/ primary healthcare professionals at rural level. The blood data will be mapped to the village level. CSC centres will guarantee better blood collection use and zero waste. Additionally, CSC will make sure that urban areas have zero or minimal reliance on hospitals and blood banks. This will enhance medical assistance in situations involving various surgeries or accidents. Planned incentive programme for CSC VLE.